
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

kehidupan sebagai seorang isteri

uuu...mcm scary plak tajuk post ni..hehe

meh kita recap bersama2. lepas nikah on 25th Dec, the next day sanding kat clearwater. that was the first time we actually stayed together in the same room with no one else around. we're very happy with the 2 ceremonies, but was really2 exhausted. mind u, kenduri kahwin sgt meletihkan, eventho pengantin x buat kerja..but nk entertain the guests, thank them..and the photoshoot tersangatlah meletihkan!but it was all worth it!

anyway, dah jadi wife ni life mmg berubah sket la..quoting hubster, "now it's no longer me, me, me, but us, us, us". and as a wife, makan, minum, pakaian hubster semua kn jaga.

ktorg balik shah alam on tuesday sbb wednesday hubster dah start keje, but i'm still enjoying my holiday..hehehe :) seronok jugak tunggu hubster balik keje..bila hubster balik, tanya la "nk air x?" hubster trus stop, pegang bahu, pusingkn badanku yg kecil ni mengadap dia and ckp,

"u don't have to treat me mcm dah kawin sgt, u don't have to do all that. just treat me normally like u always do, k?"

huh? confius jap. soalan tu kuar automatic, not planned. pastu baru teringat, kat kursus kawin dulu ustaz & ustazah tu pesan..bila suami balik kerja, at least tanya dulu nk air ke tak..free2 je dpt pahala..huhu..hubster prefer chill, relax, x yah serabut2 nk pk, i'm a wife, kn buat tu..buat ni. sweetkn suami ku!

anyway, bila duduk rumah in-laws, kn amik masa tuk sesuaikn diri. honestly mmg ssah awal2 sbb cara kita buat keje, yg slama ni mak ajar..x sama dgn cara family hubster buat..contohnye, cara sidai kain, lipat kain, cara hidang makanan, and paling obvious would be jenis being raised and brought up dgn cara org utara, of course i would love masakan utara above other types..and i loooveeee spicy food!!the spicier, the better! yummy!! :) but, family hubster lebih kepada johor nye side, meaning to say, food pon they prefer yg johor style..yelah, lidah masing2 la kn..i'm trying to get used to it now..and paling susah bila most favourite food for them (kerang & tauhu & fish) are those which i don't fact mmg xkn sentuh pon kerang & tauhu (tokua, kata org utara) mcm sedih sket la sbb x dpt nk share those food..kalau mkn tu mmg akan kuar balik nti, bukan sengaja xnk mkn.. :(

in conclusion, it's hard at first, but will slowly get better. everyone need some adjustment time, just to get used to the new environment and how things are done..but i'm happy and thankful that they love me as much as they love my hubster..i'm soo lucky to have such nice in-laws (mummy, daddy and darzy)

however, lately asyik rasa homesick..kept missing my family (mak, bapak, atun, yana, mal, izz and abg zul)..dok asrama bertahun2 x pernah homesick, dah kawin ni baru terasa..sangat2! hubster, can we please go back to ipoh...pleasseeee...

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