
Friday, January 6, 2012

1 year plus now..

we have been married for --> 1 year, 1 week and 5 days! :)

setaun lebih dah rasa mcm baru lagi kelam kabut prepare for the weeding..cepatnye masa berlalu..

Thursday, January 5, 2012


lately byk dgr news kawan2 preggy..happy nye dengar..i don't know why, pregnancy news are always sooo good to hear..x kisah la sape pon yg preggy tu, knal rapat ke, kenal sket2 je ke, or sekadar tau nama pon dah cukup buat rasa happy..tumpang gembira :)

and like any other married couple, we are also looking forward to our day..the day when we found out that we will be mummy and daddy :)

but towards the last month of 2011, i was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism..actually i've been suspected of having that since i was in secondary school. did all kind of tests but all came back normal. for years and years, with the help of my parents, family and also some close frens, i've seen countless doctors each with a different opinion on my medical condition..more than 10 years of searching..until that one day.

sebenarnye pegi jpa doctor sbb nk amek mc, was having diarrhea and headache..with hubster, alang2 dh jpa..saja tanya doctor klinik tu plak..because rasa mcm shivering kuat sgt and mcm menjadi2 plak my mind, i know dia mesti suspect thyroid like other doctors..and spot on! so as usual, buat blood test...and as usual jugak, darah x kuar lansung from one hand (that day it was my right hand), so try plak my left hand..berjaya kuarkan darah sufficient for the test...after that terus rasa nk pitam sbb bp low..

the next day, the clinic call to collect result..went there with hubster..dlm hati dok pk "ala, confirm x de pape jugak mcm slalu" x de doubt sket dgn confidentnye masuk jpa doctor..tunggu dia amek result jap, then dgn seriousnye dia kata "confirm thyroid ni"...rasa cm...DUSH!! sentap jap..mcm2 dlm otak time tu.."betul ke doktor ni?""nape dulu x pernah ada pon?"

bile dh bleh process sket, my first question (actually the first thing that came out from my mouth) was "will this affect my ability to conceive?" doktor tu dgn confidentnye jwab "YES" DUSH lagi skali!! nyesal x ajak hubster masuk skali..tu la yakin sgt! pastu dia sambung "nak pregnant x de masalah, but not advisable at this time because senang miscarriage"..tenang sket dgr jawapan tu..

so, dpt referal letter to see specialist for treatment..bila dh tau pasal thyroid ni, baru semua make sense..patut la x bleh gemuk, period irregular kdg2, heartbeat kdg2 cepat sgt mcm nervous/takut even bila time x de pape, and the most obvious sign - tgn shivering/trembling..not all the time la, but when it does, obvious sgt2..

bila g jpa specialist kt PCMC, dia bagi advise sama..not advisable to conceive now..dia suh undergo treatment dulu to surpress the level..bila dh ok sket, baru try..sbb kalau tak bukan affect baby je, will also be dangerous to the meds i', taking now is dangerous to baby/fetus...well, they know best right? so, we'll take the advise and go through the treatment first..hopefully everything will be fine..kebahagian tu sentiasa ada pada org yg bersabar kn? insyaallah...

honestly, kalau bukan sbb nak ada zuriat sendiri dgn hubster, i won't even bother to get treatment because i've been living in this condition all my life..but things are different now..i can't be selfish..i want to have a family with hubster, a family of our own.. :) hubster is being such a supportive husband, so caring..everyday remind mkn ubat.. i love u dazrin..always

lepas jpa specialist kt PCMC aritu, x puas ati sbnarnye sbb still mcm rasa nk caye x caye je pasal thyroid g TTMC, ckp nk reconfirm and do another buat test, result? sama je!! confirmed! hahaha...

next appointment, 20th we'll see whether there is any progress...doakan ye kawan2 .. :)